“When a species becomes extinct, not a single individual is left anywhere in the world. The life of every animal of that kind is snuffed out. There are no parents. There are no children. Nobody is left to give birth to a new generation. They are not vanishing, they have vanished. All gone forever.”

Hello and welcome to The Red Fox Foundation, Inc.

There is no question that we are living in extreme times. We are witnessing the extinction of many species of animals, habitat destruction and unchecked exploitation of planetary resources.
We are experiencing a dramatic change in our ways of life, due to this human pandemic, and it is easy, in these times, to place our human welfare above all other species in this world.
But we have to remember that we live in a delicate equilibrium with the plants, and animals that inhabit this beautiful planet. To ignore this, is to seal our fate.
“When a species becomes extinct, not a single individual is left anywhere in the world. The life of every animal of that kind is snuffed out. There are no parents. There are no children. Nobody is left to give birth to a new generation. They are not vanishing, they have vanished. All gone forever.” –Anonymous
But we are hopeful. And hope like love is powerful.
And so, we have come together as a like-minded group of people, who feel that as humans we have a chance, that there is still good in us and that we have a sacred duty to support and promote love and nourishment for our Earth. So we work to preserve a balance in nature for the wild animals and all the creatures that are our brothers and sisters.

By networking with other green non-profits, bringing together the fractured resources that currently are working parallel with our same goals, and by reaching out to all humans young ones and elders, we are set to make a difference, one that will last for generations.
We believe that with your support and perseverance along with our experience, wisdom and enthusiasm we can make a difference. We can support the protection of the weak and the ones without voice. Finally, and most importantly – together we leave a legacy, a legacy of knowledge, caring and responsible stewardship of this planet for all our children.
With much love and gratitude,
The Red Fox Foundation Team